不要指定高度,也就是維持預設的 height:auto; 同時加入 overflow: hidden; 即可。
2010年5月31日 星期一
2010年5月21日 星期五
2010年5月20日 星期四
Top 42 Creative Flash Site Templates
Top 42 Creative Flash Site Templates
Unless you’re Steve Jobs, chances are you will find time in your day to enjoy the benefits of Flash! After all it’s a great dynamic format for showcasing creative work, and certainly one that we, at Envato, support and will continue to support for years to come! Today across Tuts+ we’re showcasing the fine work our authors are selling on our marketplaces and for your discerning tastes we’ve put together a list of forty-two of the most creative Flash site templates from ActiveDen, some of which are so good they might even tempt ol’ Steve!
This is an template where you can drag the content around to get a free feeling, it is easy and fast to use.
It is fully xml driven, you can change it fast and get as soon as posible your site online.
Unless you’re Steve Jobs, chances are you will find time in your day to enjoy the benefits of Flash! After all it’s a great dynamic format for showcasing creative work, and certainly one that we, at Envato, support and will continue to support for years to come! Today across Tuts+ we’re showcasing the fine work our authors are selling on our marketplaces and for your discerning tastes we’ve put together a list of forty-two of the most creative Flash site templates from ActiveDen, some of which are so good they might even tempt ol’ Steve!
MD PortfolioSite v2
This template is ideal for photographers wanting to show multiple portfolios. Complete with a php contact form and an XML -driven portfolio which you can now navigate using your arrow keys, the template is a great upgrade from the first version! Still easy to configure and with a number of code optimizations (including more robust error handling and file download management).MD Gallery Advanced
A simple yet elegant gallery site to showcase your work in a compelling manner. MD Gallery Advanced was designed with the goal to let your work speak for itself. The thumbnails are arranged in an elegant (and customizable) grid and allow each thumbnail to display a larger version of your image for more impact. The motion is smooth and you can add as many image and video “libraries” as you wish (space permitting of course).Ultimate Creative Template
This template is designed from the ground up to be easy to update, customize and understand. Each section has its own external xml config file so you can access over 300 options without opening Flash!XML Portfolio Template V3
Latest version from abenson. This version has a great deal of upgrades and added features. XML Portfolio Template v3 is a full Flash website completely managed by XML files that use modules to control content.Designer’s Portfolio
Designer’s portfolio features a unique fullscreen xml website template with great motion, a clean design and deeplinking support. This template comes with over 65 predefined settings in config.xml, total freedom in the setup of your pages and a user manual counting 40 pages.Full XML Website V3
Full XML Website V3” is an application that enables anyone to create a flash website without much knowledge of flash programming.Elite Xml Website
The ELITE Template allows you to define some basic settings by default like the webpage standard color, the fullscreen mode option, inclusion of background(s), among others. It also allows you to define all the links, contents and modules you wish it to have. Easy to manage, you can replace the existing logos by your owns using basic xml.Full XML Template
This package comes with everything that you need in order to build yourself a great portfolio or site or whatever.Creative Portfolio Template
A nice template fully animated using AS2 . All text/images/videos are editable via xml.XML Clean White Portfolio Template
This template was designed with the idea in mind to produce something clean and simple, spiced up with powerful and vibrant images to get your idea across.Fullscreen Flash Advanced
A Fullscreen Flash file by Richardson, features content that centres with a ease and resizable scrollbar and works in all browsers.Slick Full Website Template with CMS and 2 Skins
A complete solution that is modular, easy to implement, modify and administrate.Elegant Photography Template
A simple and elegant template to showcase your portfolio. Features support for images and flv files and includes source files, font and help documentation.Multimask Portfolio Reloaded
Multimask Portfolio is a stylish horizontal portfolio that enables to present you and your works in a smart and original way. New features have been added and new 7 modules.Multi-Photo Gallery (xml based)
This is a XML driven Multi category Photo Gallery, with a nice ease left & right scroll effect.mySlideShowSitePro (V2)
A simple, slick & professional looking XML based slide show site.Green Star Template
A web site template without any use of XML data. It is all done with tweening and a bit of ActionScript. Note that it is only 151kb in size. All the images and text are changed easily.ll XML Website V2
Full XML Website V2 is an application that enables anyone to create a flash website without much knowledge of flash programming. This is one of the first products we are publishing and soon we will have more applications of this kind.Cool Urban / Street template
It’s very easy to be modified, just change the coordinates inside AS of menu’s button. This template use mc_tween2.as that is a component (mc_tween_2_28_29.mxp) that you have to install before editing fla’s file.Ultimate Portfolio Template with Admin and 2 Skin
With all the included modules, the two different skins, deep linking and most of all the included Advanced PHP Content Management System (admin) this is amazing value for money, don’t miss out.Photography Suite CMS Deeplinking Template
This template is the ultimate solution for creating, editing and launching your website in Adobe Flash even if you do not know anything about the actionscript language, and you do not have a copy of the software.Minimal Website + Image Slide
A minimal Website with a great image viewer in the main movie. This website include, the main fla, an example of section, all the prototypes files you need, an HTML page with Flash Detection and fullinstaller of flash plugin in case of need.Wildwise Ultimate Creative Portfolio v1
The content of this portfolio is completely and easily customizable and editable via XML filesOne Page Portfolio Pro XML Website Template AS3
One page portfolios are an increasingly popular way of displaying the work of creative professionals. They represent a straight to the point approach for presenting personal work, requiring little effort from the viewer, which translates into longer times spent on the site and more of your work reaching more of your visitors.Portfolio Website [modular]
Full XML website – this is a template that supports modules.RetroStyle
This a retro-looking presentation with a nice “zoom-in-and-move-on” effect. I made this one for a friend of mine and he accepted the other version i made for him. Just wanted to know what you think about it. All objects are vectors making it easy for you to play around with them.Multimedia Database Template
A nice template with SWF Address support, created in such a way to always have an overview of the portfolio. You can personalize all the data via xml.Smooth Portfolio
A very smooth and clean animated Horizontal Portfolio with Externally loaded About us text and a PHP based Contact form.Flash Creative Pro Template
Includes a 27 page illustrated pdf help manual, with detailed step by step instructions, and screen grabs of the timeline and code so you can quickly and efficiently get your website up and running.Creative Studios Portfolio
It is a complete xml supported website for individuals, creative studios etc. for presenting portfolios in a nice and professional way.XML Photo / Design Gallery 1.0
This is a fully XML driven template created to show off photography or design work. Everything from the menu system, to the title, to all the images is all completely XML driven. This website can be completely customized without even owning flash.Colour Sliding Website
This snazzy little number is perfect for a portfolio website. It looks and performs well.XML_Creative_Portfolio
This is a FULL FLASH XML site greate for portfolio viewer, easy XML manage of showing pictures.MD PortfolioSite
This feature-packed site template is ideal for photographers wanting to show a concise (up to 20) portfolio of their work. Complete with a php contact form and an XML -driven portfolio, the template is easy to configure and even easier to deploy!Premium Flash Template
The Premium Flash Template is a fully configurable and easy to use web template with a lot of great features. You can create attractive functional pages just with a few mouse clicks. The Premium Flash Template supports deep linking, which means that you can link to any specific part of the website. Deep linking also lets you use the browser’s back and forward buttons.Portfolio Website
A clean, simple design to let your artwork do the talking. All images and text are updated using xml files. No flash required!This is an template where you can drag the content around to get a free feeling, it is easy and fast to use.
It is fully xml driven, you can change it fast and get as soon as posible your site online.
Premium Photography and Portfolio Website
The Premium Photography and Portfolio Website is a fully configurable and easy to use web template with a lot of great features. You can create a professional looking website just with a few mouse clicks. You don’t need to know Flash or ActionScript to use the Premium Photography and Portfolio WebsiteVertical Portfolio (by quickyboy)
Take a look at this one! Simple, classic, clean, easy to navigate, XML driven, AS2 , in a word: a perfect Vertical Portfolio Template.Ry-Guy Gallery
Simple gallery page with vertical thumbnail panel. Users can adjust the color of the text, background, and side panel.Horizontal Creative Portfolio
This is a fully XML driven horizontal portfolio website, which you could readily use with little knowledge in Flash. What you need to do is change some parameters (mentioned in the help file) and you are done with your website.Black & White Deeplinking Template
The Black & White template is a fullscreen xml Flash template with deeplinking. Deeplinking enables you to target specific sections of your website, send links via email or instant messenger, find specific content with the major search engines, Utilize browser history, reload buttons and bookmark in a browser.3D Product Gallery
This is my product/photo viewer with 3D navigation driven by XML . You can add any number of photos/products with all parameters costumizable by xml: Thumbs, big photo, descriptions, links, price, caption, etc…2010年5月19日 星期三
2010年5月17日 星期一
2010年5月15日 星期六

FilesAnyWhere是非常老的一 個服務了,功能很全面,大部分使用者需要的功能他幾乎都有,但介面有點難看,使用起來不怎麼順手,更重要的是他不能外連。
全 文最低分60分

OpenDrive優勢在於 OpenDrive desktop這個軟體,安裝後使用起來就像在使用自己電腦中的硬碟或隨身碟一樣!這是本文介紹的幾個服務中我最滿意的一個之一。

ADrive的免費服務可稱讚的就只有 50GB大空間了,其他功能都很基本,想使用他的專屬桌面軟體、FTP上傳、SLL傳輸加密等服務都需要付費才能使用。

Divshare可外連圖片、音樂,圖片外 連速度還不錯(這點還蠻推薦的),不過外連音樂必須使用Divshare提供的Flash播放器就是了。

miroko是台灣Seednet提供的服 務,超大流量60GB、單檔最大4GB、靜態網頁空間、帶抓BT等都是他的特色。另外miroko也證明了國產服務絕不輸於外國阿!!
國 產的當然給100分

MyOtherDrive的特點一樣在於流 量,不過他在這方面更威了點,他是「無限流量」,圖片外連速度也不差,或許將他拿來當圖床是一個好選擇。

Dropbox是個相當知名的服務,他可以 與朋友共同編輯檔案,而且他會自動同步檔案。不管你在哪裡編輯檔案,系統都會自動幫您同步,只要登入帳號就能取得最新版本的檔案。極力推薦!

SkyDrive應該不用多說吧,有用 msn、hotmail的人一定都知道SkyDrive是Windows Live的一個服務,空間頗大,圖片可以外連,但有聽過「不穩定」的負面說法。
Windows Live這項服務自己雖然沒有如OpenDrive desktop這麼強大的軟體,但別人幫他製作了。軟體叫做「SDExplorer」,使用方式也與自己電腦硬碟、隨身碟差不多,安裝後可讓 SkyDrive使用起來更為方便。
SDExplorer 下載:http://www.cloudstorageexplorer.com/

CTDISK是中國大陸的服務,容量高達400GB,不過檔案存放時間只有20天,必須靠流量、分享次數來換取儲存時間,所以個人認為那 400GB只不過是唬人的而已,在這種運作模式下想破5GB、10GB都不事件容易的事。

剛剛查了一下4shared的Alexa排 名,看到那數字讓我嚇了跳,竟然77名! 看到這排名應該就知道他的服務一定沒話說,空間10GB、流量無限,圖片、音樂、影片都可外連,甚至還可以建立子域名。哈,這種好東西不推薦良心過意不去 阿~
01. FilesAnyWhere
FilesAnyWhere是非常老的一 個服務了,功能很全面,大部分使用者需要的功能他幾乎都有,但介面有點難看,使用起來不怎麼順手,更重要的是他不能外連。
全 文最低分60分
- Web Advanced Plan:5GB容量、1使用者=$7.95/Month(容量-1GB=$1.55、使用者-1人=$3.4)
- Web Basic Plan:1GB容量、1使用者=$3.95/Month(容量-1GB=$1)
- Free Plan:1GB容量、1使用者=$0/Month FREE
02. OpenDrive
OpenDrive優勢在於 OpenDrive desktop這個軟體,安裝後使用起來就像在使用自己電腦中的硬碟或隨身碟一樣!這是本文介紹的幾個服務中我最滿意的一個之一。
- Pro:1TB 容量、50GB/day 流量=$24.99/Month
- Office:500GB容量、25GB/day 流量=$14.99/Month
- Home:100GB容量、5GB/day 流量=$4.99/Month
- Basic:5GB 容量、1GB/day 流量=$0/Month FREE
03. ADrive
ADrive的免費服務可稱讚的就只有 50GB大空間了,其他功能都很基本,想使用他的專屬桌面軟體、FTP上傳、SLL傳輸加密等服務都需要付費才能使用。
- Basic:50GB容量=$0/Month FREE
- Signature:50GB 容量=$6.95/Month
- Premium :容量有多種大小可選擇,每種容量大小價格都會不太一樣
04. DivShare
Divshare可外連圖片、音樂,圖片外 連速度還不錯(這點還蠻推薦的),不過外連音樂必須使用Divshare提供的Flash播放器就是了。
- Free:5GB 容量、10GB/mo 流量=$0/Month FREE
- Personal:25GB 容量、70GB/mo 流量=$19.99/Month
- Professional: 100GB容量、200GB/mo 流量=$7.96/Month
- ProfessionalPlus:100GB容量、500GB/mo 流量=$18.36/Month
- Dedicated :2000GB容量、2000GB/mo 流量=$399/Month
05. miroko
miroko是台灣Seednet提供的服 務,超大流量60GB、單檔最大4GB、靜態網頁空間、帶抓BT等都是他的特色。另外miroko也證明了國產服務絕不輸於外國阿!!
國 產的當然給100分
- Free:5GB 容量、60GB/mo 流量=$0/Month FREE
06. MyOtherDrive
MyOtherDrive的特點一樣在於流 量,不過他在這方面更威了點,他是「無限流量」,圖片外連速度也不差,或許將他拿來當圖床是一個好選擇。
- Free:2GB 容量、無限流量=$0/Month FREE
- Pro:100GB 容量、無限流量=$4.99/Month(容量可像上增加,此為最基本容量的價格)
- Enterprise: 1TB、無限流量=$240/year(容量可像上增加,此為最基本容量的價格)
07. Dropbox
Dropbox是個相當知名的服務,他可以 與朋友共同編輯檔案,而且他會自動同步檔案。不管你在哪裡編輯檔案,系統都會自動幫您同步,只要登入帳號就能取得最新版本的檔案。極力推薦!
- Basic:2GB+256MB 容量=$0/Month FREE
- Pro 50:50GB+512MB容量=$9.99/Month
- Pro 100:100GB+512MB容量=$19.99/Month
08. SkyDrive
SkyDrive應該不用多說吧,有用 msn、hotmail的人一定都知道SkyDrive是Windows Live的一個服務,空間頗大,圖片可以外連,但有聽過「不穩定」的負面說法。
Windows Live這項服務自己雖然沒有如OpenDrive desktop這麼強大的軟體,但別人幫他製作了。軟體叫做「SDExplorer」,使用方式也與自己電腦硬碟、隨身碟差不多,安裝後可讓 SkyDrive使用起來更為方便。
SDExplorer 下載:http://www.cloudstorageexplorer.com/
CTDISK是中國大陸的服務,容量高達400GB,不過檔案存放時間只有20天,必須靠流量、分享次數來換取儲存時間,所以個人認為那 400GB只不過是唬人的而已,在這種運作模式下想破5GB、10GB都不事件容易的事。
10. 4shared
剛剛查了一下4shared的Alexa排 名,看到那數字讓我嚇了跳,竟然77名! 看到這排名應該就知道他的服務一定沒話說,空間10GB、流量無限,圖片、音樂、影片都可外連,甚至還可以建立子域名。哈,這種好東西不推薦良心過意不去 阿~
- 免 費:10GB容量、無限流量、0GB特級流量=$0/Month FREE
- 特級:100GB容量、無限流量、100GB特級流量=$9.95/Month
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