2013年5月29日 星期三

40 Bootstrap Tools and Generators for Web Developers


bootstraptor For those who would like to have more templates than what’s just being offered with the bootstrap template sets, Bootstraptor brings you so much more to work with.

Brag Themes

Bring new life to business and personal websites with themes that maximize the ease and beauty of the Twitter Bootstrap framework through Brag Themes that makes everything different with unique features that’s apart from other bootstrap themes.


bootply Bootply is a programming playground for programmers and curious fellows alike, who would love to work with bootstrap, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery while testing different things, such as compatibilities with mobile devices or PCs.

Bootstrap CDN

bootstrapcdn Bootstrap CDN is for programmers who want to have their bootstrap pages and websites to load a lot faster.

Bootstrap Prompts

Bootstrap Prompts It replaces the notifications such as alert (), confirm (), and prompt () through the application of Boostrap along with modal information.

Pines Notify

Pines Notify It is built for flexible, implementable, and usable notification plugin of Javascript for incomparable functions.


prettyCheckable It also replaces inputs of radio and the default checkboxes through its bootstrap for interesting and better positions.

Bootstrap Tags

Bootstrap Tags It extends the Bootstrap UI since it’s a jQuery plugin which is lightweight in built that allows tagging, autosuggests, exclusions, placeholder prompts, filters, and popovers.

jQuery File Upload

jQuery File Upload It serves as a platform in multiple file options, preview images, drag & dropt, and progress bars since this is a jQuery file Upload. It also back-ups resizing of images, resume process of file uploads, cross domain, and chunked.

jQuery Simple Color Picker

jQuery Simple Color Picker It has a select list for multiple selections of colors and it has a checkbox for option one. This is very simple and easy to use plugin that compliments with bootstrap.

Bootstrap wysihtml5

Bootstrap-wysihtml5 It allows web developer to build a beautiful and simple wysiwyg editors easily since it’s based in plugin of Javascript.

Bootpag – Dynamic Pagination

Bootpag – Dynamic Pagination It is a plugin that assist in creating a pagination or html page in a dynamic set-up through its bootstrap.

Bootstrap Modal

Bootstrap-Modal It has an added function since it’s an extension of the original bootstrap modals that has a modal manager that handles multiple modals.


Bootbox Through the bootstrap modals the creation of programmatic dialog boxes become possible since this is a tiny library wherein it manages, creates, and removes event handlers of JS and other DOM elements.

Datepicker for Bootstrap

Datepicker for Bootstrap It is a lightweight plugin that cleanses any field or any elements as part of formats, component, and even separators.

Bootstrap Video Player

Bootstrap Video Player It constructs or builds a progressbar that composes of a red or bar-danger, green for bar-success and orange if it’s bar-warning.

Hover Dropdown

Hover Dropdown It may not be the official bootstrap plugin but it activates hover through its bootstrap dropdowns.

jQuery Form Validation with Styles

jQuery Form Validation with Styles This tool is created to assist users during the process of waiting for a quick feedback since this is built through the jQuery validation plugin while the user is still filling out the web form using the bootstrap style.

Bootstrap Image Gallery

Bootstrap Image Gallery It serves as an extension of boostrap modal dialog when navigating sets of images in gallery. Some of its essential features are fullscreen mode, mouse, slideshow functionalities, transition effects, and keyboard navigation.

Bootstrap Lightbox

Bootstrap Lightbox It is created through the modal dialog that eases the uses and functions of boostrap because of its lightbox.

Bootstrap Arrows jQuery Plugin

Bootstrap Arrows jQuery Plugin It assists website developer to point any arrow at any angle within the designs of the Bootstrap UI.

Tocify – A Bootstrap jQuery Table of Contents Plugin

It creates driving and compelling table of contents since it’s based on the jQuery plugin that can be applied for animation, styling, scrolling, forward, & back button support, extension of scroll page, and scroll highlighting.

CSS3 Microsoft Modern Buttons

CSS3 Microsoft Modern Buttons It is primarily created to compliment with Bootstrap since it is easy to use, lightweight that is recommended for rich button designs through the support of CSS3 styles.


tablecloth It allows website designer        to style HTML tables that becomes possible because it’s a jQuery plugin.

Fuel UX

Fuel UX It heightens and prolongs bootstrap aside from supplementary controls of Javascript  that are all lightweight such as Combobox, Pillbox, Checkbox, Search, Datagrid, Tree, Radio Elements, Select, and Wizard.


X-Editable It lets web developer creates elements that are editable on the site’s page that can be valuable in bootstrap, jQuery, jQuery UI and inline & popup modes.

Sublime Text 2 Bootstrap Snippets

It has valuable options of classified Bootstrap code snippets from a fine text.

Mobile-First Bootstrap Grid

It is created to be compatible in mobile screens, and other larger screens like computer desktop and laptop. It has default desktop styles and provides media queries for layout change that applicable in both mobiles and desktop screens.

jQuery UI Bootstrap

It presents a theme that is compatible in jQuery UI that is boosted by the design of boostrap. It has a boostrap CSS version that works with the theme along with the commented out sections.

MooTools for Bootstrap

It provides better functionality that twitter released  although you will not be able to use at all its Javascript, but it has essential tools needed especially other custom plugins that are compatible with MooTools.

Sass Bootstrap

This is a good option if you prefer SASS that has CSS flavour than LESS of Bootstrap.

Grid Displayer Bookmarklet for Bootstrap

Grid Displayer Bookmarklet for Bootstrap It displays easily the grid of the Bootstrap because of the web design of the in-browser that also works well with Foundation.

Bootstrap-Ready Font Custom

Bootstrap-Ready Font Custom It allows creation of webfonts custom icon by following a specific command line. It also        builds styles in accordance to the naming convention of boostrap by including this fontcustom.css.

WordPress Bootstrap CSS

WordPress Bootstrap CSS This tool makes it possible for all Bootstrap programmers to work with any WordPress Theme without the need of programming expertise. It also provides the flexibility of using WordPress Shortcodes in adding Bootstrap elements in a website, where you could also add your own CSS reset files.

Jetstrap – Web-Based Interface Building Tool for Bootstrap

You can now build Bootstraps without the need of using programming skills by just logging into the Jetstrap website and you can grab everything on an easy-to-use web interface, even taking care of the complicated elements in a breeze.

Bootstrap Button Generator

Bootstrap Button Generator The Bootstrap Button Generator is the fastest tool you could use in customizing buttons for your bootstrap development. Just type in the words you want to appear in the button, click on the size, the color, button type, state, and apply icons with ease.

Divshot – The Bootstrap Interface Builder for Web Apps

Have everything go faster and further with creating web apps by combining the simplicity of drag-and-drop designing with complicated HTML and CSS programming all done in an interface builder intended for bootstrap.

Bootstrap ThemeRoller – Customize the Look and Feel of Bootstrap

Bootstrap ThemeRoller Designing the Twitter Bootstrap becomes very simple with the Bootstrap ThemeRoller because all you need to do, such as changing colors, sizes, or fonts, are done by just clicking necessary elements with results being seen side by side with the selectors applicable.

Bootstrap Form Builder

Bootstrap Form Builder Creating forms with bootstrap is now simple thanks to a program that uses the backbone.js with underscore.js templates, making adding form snippets less stressful and messy.

Lavish – Generate your own Bootstrap Color Scheme

lavish Selecting color themes for your Bootstrap is now as easy as extracting theme colors by just uploading the main image you will use for your page. From there you can set whether the said colors will be used for link hovers, borders, dropdowns, backgrounds, and more. That’s now 1, 2, 3 without the worry.



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