CSS lets you to do various things, but developers miss out on some
features like variable, constants, and general faster syntax? Ordinary
CSS does not have the ability to do all that, so many preprocessors have
been created to let you use variables on CSS files and then parse it to
regular stylesheets.
We have collected 10 Excellent CSS Accelerating Development Time. We
have already amazing articles on CSS that might help you as well
free online web generators,
Free CSS Libraries and Resources and
CSS Frameworks.

Compass is an open-source CSS Authoring Framework. Sass is an
extension of CSS3 which adds nested rules, variables, mixins, selector
inheritance, and more. Sass generates well formatted CSS and makes your
stylesheets easier to organize and maintain.
It is an awesome preprocessor that lets developers make plugins. It
requires PHP and Apache with mod_deflate and mod_rewrite to work.

CSScaffold is a CSS framework written in PHP. Unlike pure CSS
framework (e.g., Blueprint, etc) that uses the standard abilities of
CSS, it uses PHP to extend CSS. The syntax looks and feels exactly like
CSS, except that you have additional features.

claims that it has made CSS fun again. This project can do some very
interesting things. Like Less CSS, it also lets you use variables and
have a simplified syntax. It is an amazing tool, but as far as I know it
is only available for Ruby.

Less is one of the most popular CSS preprocessor. It lets you have a
simplified syntax and utilizing the variables. It is for the Ruby
programming language, but it seems like Aaron Russel built an extension
for making cached stylesheets that your PHP projects can utilize.

This one is for all the PHP Lovers out there, as it has been created
for your favorite language. Turbine is really good and it allows a
minimal syntax, automatically gzip multiple css and fix cross-browser
issues etc. A must try if you love PHP.

This one is a full featured, production ready tool that works under
Apache with mod_python, or as an environment-agnostic command line tool.
Another good one.

CSS Preprocessor is written in PHP 5. This tool lets you do many
things and you can also use expressions like margin-left: (200px * 3/2 –
10px); in your stylesheets.

This preprocessor accelerates CSS coding by extending the features to
CSS like nested selectors and color mixing etc. DtCSS reads the CSS
file with particular syntax written for DtCSS, and outputs the standard
CSS. It also boasts clever caching system.

This one is still in alpha status, but the creator says the code will
be launched very soon. One great thing about this projects is that it
will be available in PHP, Python and Ruby. So this will prove to be an
awesome tool for the developpers who work with all of these languages.